Udin Batik Outlet menyediakan berbagai macam produk bercorak batik mulai dari Baju, Kemeja, T-shirt, Tas,Sepatu, Sandal, Tas, dan beraneka souvenir dengan desaign unik dan menarik.
Minggu, Februari 27, 2011
Belajar Bahasa India
Oi oi..
Nah di treat ini aku buat untuk kalian yg mau lebih dalam mengerti dan memahami bahasa hindi..
Jangan dianggap remeh atau sepele, dengan kita menguasai hindi kita malah jadi orang yg unik, karena jarang orang yg bs hindi dgn struktur kalimat, yg mereka tau paling hanya lagu dan judul film..
Gak ada salahnya qt menguasai bahasa dri negara yang sudah mempublish masuk kategori BRIC ini.. Yang mana negara BRIC akan menjadi pemegang perekonomian dunia pada tahun 2030 mendatang..
Yuks qt mulai..
Buat pemula qt harus mengenal kata ganti pemilik :
1. Mera
2. Meri
3. Mere
Bermakna kepunyaan saya atau milikku
4. Hamara
5. Hamari
6. Hamare
Bermakna kepunyaan kami/ milik kami
7. Tumhara
8. Tumhari
9. Tumhare
Bermakna Kepunyaan kamu /milik kamu
Selain itu ada juga untk tunggal dan jamak nya
1. Uska
2. Uski
3. Uske
Bermakna miliknya untk laki2/pr
4. Unka
5. Unki
6. Unke
Bermakna milik mereka /jamak.
7. Aapka
8. Aapki
9. Aapke
Bermakna milik Anda /tunggal.
Untuk contoh kata ganti pemilik :
1. Mera naam Rani
Nama saya Rani
2. Tumhara naam koun hai?
Nama kamu siapa?
3. Uska naam koun hai?
Namanya siapa? / nama dia siapa?
4. Aapka naam koun hai?
Nama anda siapa?
Next qt bahas kata tanya dalam bahasa hindi :
1. Kaun : siapa?
2. Kya : apa?
3. Kyon : mengapa? / kenapa?
4. Kab : kapan?
5. Kab tak : sampai kapan?
6. Kahan : dimana?
Contoh nya :
1. Aap koun hai?
Anda siapa?
2. Kya hua tumko?
Ada apa denganmu?
3. Kyon app yahan hai?
Knapa anda disini?
4. Kab vah aaya hai?
Kapan dia datang?
5. Kab tak vah rahega?
Sampai kapan dia akan tinggal?
6. Aaj vah kahan hai?
Sekarang dia ada dimana?
Kata tanya dalam bahasa india part 2 :
1. Kaise : bagaimana?
2. Kaun - sa : yang mana?
3. Kisko : siapa?
4. Kiska : siapa (punya) ? Biasany digunakan untk menanyakan kepemilikan.
5. Kitna : berapa banyak (tak terhitung)
6. Kitne : berapa banyak (bisa di hitung)
Nama nama hari dalam bahasa india :
1. Itvaar / ravivar : minggu
2. Somvaar : senin
3. Mangalvaar : selasa
4. Budhvaar : rabu
5. Brihaspativaar /virvar : kamis
6. Shukravaar : jum'at
7. Shanivaar/shanichaar : sabtu..
Nah di treat ini aku buat untuk kalian yg mau lebih dalam mengerti dan memahami bahasa hindi..
Jangan dianggap remeh atau sepele, dengan kita menguasai hindi kita malah jadi orang yg unik, karena jarang orang yg bs hindi dgn struktur kalimat, yg mereka tau paling hanya lagu dan judul film..
Gak ada salahnya qt menguasai bahasa dri negara yang sudah mempublish masuk kategori BRIC ini.. Yang mana negara BRIC akan menjadi pemegang perekonomian dunia pada tahun 2030 mendatang..
Yuks qt mulai..
Buat pemula qt harus mengenal kata ganti pemilik :
1. Mera
2. Meri
3. Mere
Bermakna kepunyaan saya atau milikku
4. Hamara
5. Hamari
6. Hamare
Bermakna kepunyaan kami/ milik kami
7. Tumhara
8. Tumhari
9. Tumhare
Bermakna Kepunyaan kamu /milik kamu
Selain itu ada juga untk tunggal dan jamak nya
1. Uska
2. Uski
3. Uske
Bermakna miliknya untk laki2/pr
4. Unka
5. Unki
6. Unke
Bermakna milik mereka /jamak.
7. Aapka
8. Aapki
9. Aapke
Bermakna milik Anda /tunggal.
Untuk contoh kata ganti pemilik :
1. Mera naam Rani
Nama saya Rani
2. Tumhara naam koun hai?
Nama kamu siapa?
3. Uska naam koun hai?
Namanya siapa? / nama dia siapa?
4. Aapka naam koun hai?
Nama anda siapa?
Next qt bahas kata tanya dalam bahasa hindi :
1. Kaun : siapa?
2. Kya : apa?
3. Kyon : mengapa? / kenapa?
4. Kab : kapan?
5. Kab tak : sampai kapan?
6. Kahan : dimana?
Contoh nya :
1. Aap koun hai?
Anda siapa?
2. Kya hua tumko?
Ada apa denganmu?
3. Kyon app yahan hai?
Knapa anda disini?
4. Kab vah aaya hai?
Kapan dia datang?
5. Kab tak vah rahega?
Sampai kapan dia akan tinggal?
6. Aaj vah kahan hai?
Sekarang dia ada dimana?
Kata tanya dalam bahasa india part 2 :
1. Kaise : bagaimana?
2. Kaun - sa : yang mana?
3. Kisko : siapa?
4. Kiska : siapa (punya) ? Biasany digunakan untk menanyakan kepemilikan.
5. Kitna : berapa banyak (tak terhitung)
6. Kitne : berapa banyak (bisa di hitung)
Nama nama hari dalam bahasa india :
1. Itvaar / ravivar : minggu
2. Somvaar : senin
3. Mangalvaar : selasa
4. Budhvaar : rabu
5. Brihaspativaar /virvar : kamis
6. Shukravaar : jum'at
7. Shanivaar/shanichaar : sabtu..
Nama - nama arah dalam bahasa hindi:
1. Dishaa : arah
2. Purva : timur
3. Pashchim : barat
4. Uttar : utara
5. Dakshin : selatan
1. Dishaa : arah
2. Purva : timur
3. Pashchim : barat
4. Uttar : utara
5. Dakshin : selatan
Waktu dalam bahasa hindi : 1. Din : hari 2. Saveraa : pagi / subha : pagi 3. Dophar : siang /tengah hari 4. Shaam : sore /senja 5. Raat : malam 6. Haftaa /saptaah : seminggu 7. Mahinaa : sebulan 8. Saal : setahun 9. Dashak : dekade 10. Saadi : seabjad 11. Aaj : hari ini /sekarang. 12. Kal : besok / kemarin. 13. Parson : lusa. |
Belajar Huruf Korea
Kalau kita bisa bahasa asing, keliatannya lebih keren dan tentunya juga berguna. Apalagi bisa menulis tulisan asing (non-latin), pasti menarik.
Karena itu, di sini kamu akan mendapat pelajaran gratis yang nantinya membuat kamu terlihat lebih keren (terlihat hebat meskipun itu bukan yang utama) dan juga lebih banyak tahu…
OK! Kali ini kita belajar huruf Korea…(secara yang nulis korean_holic).
Tulisan-tulisan korea banyak tuh di perlatan sekolah kita (penggaris, kotak pensil, buku) atau juga barang-banrang elektronik. Tapi supaya kamu bisa membaca itu tulisan atau ngerti artinya, baca dan pelajari dulu pelajaran yang kami beri kali ini dengan gratis (meskipun dapat pelajaran ini dari buku dan itu nggak gratis).
Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan yang baik ini…OK!
Belajar Huruf Korea (Hangeul)
Huruf vokal (모음)
Vokal Gabungan
Huruf Konsonan (기음)
Konsonan Gabungan
Minggu, Februari 20, 2011
Bahasa Korea Sehari - hari
( Muoeyo ) apa( We yo) kenapa / mengapa
( Nugu yo) siapa
( Onje yo) kapan
( Odie yo ) dimana
( Odikayo / odikalkayo ) kemana / mau kemana
( Ottoke yo ) bagaimana
( Otton go eyo ) yang bagaimana
( Oneun go eyo ) yang mana
( Olma eyo ) berapa harga / berapa banyak
( Myot ) berapa ….
( Myot si ) jam berapa
( Myot sigan ) berapa jam
( Myot ge ) berapa banyak
( Myot myong ) berapa orang
Ca yo Tidur
Irona yo Bangun
Ka yo Pergi
Wa yo Datang
Il he yo Bekerja
Ssi o yo Istirahat
Kongbu he yo Belajar
Anja yo Duduk
Iroso yo Berdiri
Pwa yo Melihat
Deuro yo Mendengar
Moko yo Makan
Masyo yo Minum
Mal he yo Berbicara
Irk o yo Membaca
Sso yo Menulis
Sa yo Membeli
Noh wa yo Simpan
Taddo yo Menutup
Yoro yo Membuka
Sayong he yo Menggunakan
Mandeuro yo Membuat
Kucho yo Memperbaiki
Tambe piwo yo Menghisap rokok
Kajo wa yo Bawa kesini
Kajo ka yo Bawa pergi
Miro yo Dorong
Cab a yo Pegang
Boryo yo Membuang
Chulyo Mengantuk
• untuk menyatakan ”tidak …. ” tinggal menambahkan kata ” An ..” didepan kata
• contoh : pergi = Ka yo , tidak pergi = An ka yo , dst
Coah yo Baik / Bagus
Na pa yo Buruk
Coah heyo Menyukai
Sirho yo Tidak mau / Tida suka
Turowo yo Kotor
Kekeut heyo Bersih
Pa pa yo Sibuk
Yeppo yo / I ppo yo Cantik
Kwiyo wo yo Manis
Apha yo Sakit
To wo yo Panas
Cu wo yo Dingin
Siwon heyo Sejuk
Ssa yo Murah
Bissa yo Mahal
Moro yo Jauh
Kakawo yo Dekat
Mugowo yo Berat
Mats Isso yo Enak
Mats Opso yo Tidak enak
Cemi isso yo Menarik
Cemi Opso yo Tidak menarik
Keuriwo yo Rindu
Pogosippo yo Kangen
Sarang he yo Mencintai/ Menyayangi
Me wo yo Pedas
Pegopha yo Lapar
Pebullo yo Kenyang
O ryo wo yo Sulit
Sui wo yo Gampang
Seulpho yo Sedih
Manhi yo / Manha yo Banyak
Bahasa Korea Sehari - hari
(Annyong hasimnika ? ) Apa kabar ? Selamat Pagi, Siang, Sore, Malam ( Informal )
( Annyonghi Gasipsiyo ) Selamat Jalan
( Annyonghi Gaseyo ) Selamat Jalan ( Informal )
( Annyonghi Gyesipsiyo ) Selamat Tinggal
( Annyonghi Gyeseyo ) Selamat Tinggal ( Informal )
( Annyonghi Jumuseyo ) Selamat Tidur
( Cal Cayo ) Selamat Tidur ( Informal ) ( Oso Osipsiyo ) Selamat datang / Silahkan Masuk
( Oso Oseyo ) Selamat datang / Silahkan Masuk ( Informal )
( Deuro Osipsiyo ) Silahkan Masuk. ( Yang menyuruh didalam )
( Deuro Oseyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Informal )
( Deuro Gasipsiyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Yang menyuruh berada diluar )
( Deuro Gaseyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Yang menyuruh berada diluar ) ( Informal )
(Ottokhe Jinesimnika) Bagaimana Kabar anda ?
( Ottokhe Jineseyo ) Bagaimana Kabar anda ? ( Informal )
( Cal Cinemnida ) Baik – baik saja
( Cal Cineyo ) Baik – baik saja ( Informal )
( To Mannapsida ) Sampai Jumpa lagi
( To Mannayo ) Sampai jumpa lagi ( Informal )
( Sile Hamnida ) Permisi
( haseyo ) Silahkan
( Pan gapseumnida ) Senang berjumpa anda
( Pan gawoyo ) Senang berjumpa anda ( Informal )
( Kamsa hamnida ) Terima kasih
( Chon mane mal seumnida ) Terima Kasih kembali
( Chon maneyo ) Terima kasih kembali ( Informal )
( Cwe song hamnida ) Mohon maaf
( Cwe song heyo ) Mohon maaf ( Informal )
( Mian hamnida ) Maaf ( Mian heyo ) Maaf ( Informal )
( Kwen chan seumnida ) Tidak apa-apa ( Kwen chan ayo ) Tidak apa-apa(Informal)
( Cap deuseyo ) Silahkan makan
( Siksa hasipsiyo ) Selamat makan
( Siksa haseyo ) Selamat makan (Informal)
( Oneul jeul gowo seumnida ) Hari ini sangat menyenangkan
( Oneul jeul gowo seyo ) Hari ini sangat menyenangkan(Informal)
( Ju mal cal cine sipsiyo ) Selamat berakhir pekan
( Ju mal cal cineseyo ) Selamat berakhir pekan(Informal)
( Ne, iseumnida ) Ya, ada/punya
( Ne, issoyo ) Ya, ada/punya (Informal)
( Anio, opseumnida ) Tidak, tidak/tidak punya
( Anio, opsoyo ) Tidak, tidak/tidak punya (Informal)
( Coahyo ) Bagus
( Gayophsora ) Kasihan
( Cegiral ) Sialan
( Geureyo ) Bagus?
( Cwegoda ) Asyik
( Congmal ) Sungguh
( Kojitmal ) Bohong
( Gwa yon ) Kemudian
( Ye ) Ya
( A, Ne ) O, ya
( Anio ) Tidak
( Mulon Imnida ) Tentu saja
( Annyonghi Gasipsiyo ) Selamat Jalan
( Annyonghi Gaseyo ) Selamat Jalan ( Informal )
( Annyonghi Gyesipsiyo ) Selamat Tinggal
( Annyonghi Gyeseyo ) Selamat Tinggal ( Informal )
( Annyonghi Jumuseyo ) Selamat Tidur
( Cal Cayo ) Selamat Tidur ( Informal ) ( Oso Osipsiyo ) Selamat datang / Silahkan Masuk
( Oso Oseyo ) Selamat datang / Silahkan Masuk ( Informal )
( Deuro Osipsiyo ) Silahkan Masuk. ( Yang menyuruh didalam )
( Deuro Oseyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Informal )
( Deuro Gasipsiyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Yang menyuruh berada diluar )
( Deuro Gaseyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Yang menyuruh berada diluar ) ( Informal )
(Ottokhe Jinesimnika) Bagaimana Kabar anda ?
( Ottokhe Jineseyo ) Bagaimana Kabar anda ? ( Informal )
( Cal Cinemnida ) Baik – baik saja
( Cal Cineyo ) Baik – baik saja ( Informal )
( To Mannapsida ) Sampai Jumpa lagi
( To Mannayo ) Sampai jumpa lagi ( Informal )
( Sile Hamnida ) Permisi
( haseyo ) Silahkan
( Pan gapseumnida ) Senang berjumpa anda
( Pan gawoyo ) Senang berjumpa anda ( Informal )
( Kamsa hamnida ) Terima kasih
( Chon mane mal seumnida ) Terima Kasih kembali
( Chon maneyo ) Terima kasih kembali ( Informal )
( Cwe song hamnida ) Mohon maaf
( Cwe song heyo ) Mohon maaf ( Informal )
( Mian hamnida ) Maaf ( Mian heyo ) Maaf ( Informal )
( Kwen chan seumnida ) Tidak apa-apa ( Kwen chan ayo ) Tidak apa-apa(Informal)
( Cap deuseyo ) Silahkan makan
( Siksa hasipsiyo ) Selamat makan
( Siksa haseyo ) Selamat makan (Informal)
( Oneul jeul gowo seumnida ) Hari ini sangat menyenangkan
( Oneul jeul gowo seyo ) Hari ini sangat menyenangkan(Informal)
( Ju mal cal cine sipsiyo ) Selamat berakhir pekan
( Ju mal cal cineseyo ) Selamat berakhir pekan(Informal)
( Ne, iseumnida ) Ya, ada/punya
( Ne, issoyo ) Ya, ada/punya (Informal)
( Anio, opseumnida ) Tidak, tidak/tidak punya
( Anio, opsoyo ) Tidak, tidak/tidak punya (Informal)
( Coahyo ) Bagus
( Gayophsora ) Kasihan
( Cegiral ) Sialan
( Geureyo ) Bagus?
( Cwegoda ) Asyik
( Congmal ) Sungguh
( Kojitmal ) Bohong
( Gwa yon ) Kemudian
( Ye ) Ya
( A, Ne ) O, ya
( Anio ) Tidak
( Mulon Imnida ) Tentu saja
Senin, Februari 14, 2011
Bahasa korea sehari hari
Aku Cinta Kamu = Saranghae
Aku Suka Kamu = Choaheyo
Senang Bertemu Dengan Mu = Mannaseo bangapseummnida
Saya Orang Indonesia = Indonesia saramimnida
Saya Belajar Bahasa Korea = Naneun hangugeoreul baeunda
Maafkan Aku = Mian ne
Mian hamnida
Kalian Dari Mana ? = Neohuideureun eodieseo wanni ?
Boleh, Silahkan = Ne, doemnida
Bagus Sekali = Maeu joseumnida
Oke = Jeoseumnida
Tidak = Anio
Iya = Ye
Tidak Pernah = Gyeolko animnida
Aku Mengerti = Algesseoyo
Aku Nggak Tau = Mollayo
Ya, Ada = Ne, isseoyo
Siapa Nama Mu ? = Ireumi mwoyeyo?
Nama Ku Jeong Ji-Hoon = Jeo neun Jeong Ji-Hoon ieyo
Apakah Ini ? = Ige mwoyeyo?
Sangat Cantik = Cham yebbeoyo
Nggak Apa-Apa = Goenchanayo
Baik-Baik Saja, Terima Kasih= Jal jinaepida, gamsahamnida
Maaf, Tidak Tahu = Minhamnida, jal moreugesseumnida
Aku Suka Nasi Goreng = Jeoneun nasi gorengeul joahamnida
Halo = (Ucapan pembuka di telefon)
Penyanyi : Gasu
Keluarga : Gajok
Masuk Angin : Gamgi
Polisi : Gyeongchal
Kucing : Goyangi
Teman : Gongwon
Telefon Umum : Gongjungjeonhwa
Bandara : Gonghang
Kue : Gwaja
Sepatu : Gudu
Seratus : Baek
Rumah Sakit : Byeongwon
Pulpen : Bolpen
Roti : Ppal
Toko Buku : Seojeom
Restoran : Sikdang
Indah : Areumdappda
Bayi : Agi
Pagi : Achim
Koran, Surat Kabar : Sinmun
Majalah : Japji
Anak – Anak : Eorini
Rumah : Jip
Kopi : Keopi
Taksi : Taeksi
Televisi : Tellebijeon
Pesta : Pati
Hotel : Hotel
Kantor : Hoesa
Sekolah : Hakgyo
SD : Chodeunghakgyo
SMP : Junghakgyo
SMA : Godeunghakgyo
Murid SMA : Godeunghaksaeng
Universitas : Daekhagyo
Laki – Laki : Namja
Perempuan : Yeoja
Adik Laki – Laki : Namdongsaeng
Adik Perempuan : Yeodongsaeng
Senin : Wolyoil
Selasa : Hwayoil
Rabu : Suyoil
Kamis : Mokyoil
Jum’at : Geumyoil
Sabtu : Toyoil
Minggu : Ilyoil
Januari : Ilwol
Februari : Iwol
Maret : Samwol
April : Sawol
Mei : Owol
Juni : Yuwol
Juli : Chilwol
Agustus : Palwol
September : Guwol
Oktober : Siwol
November : Sipilwol
Desember : Sipiwol
Minggu, Februari 06, 2011
English Educated Game
Here are some link of English Educated Game,,Try it,,it's really enjoyable,,
Try it and tell me what your comment is.
I wait your comments.
Try it and tell me what your comment is.
I wait your comments.
what's SLANG ??
Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered . It is often used to identify with one's peers and, although it may be common among young people, it is used by people of all ages and social groups.
Here are some UK SLANG :
abdabs | Noun. Terror, the frights, nerves. Often heard as the screaming abdabs. Also very occasionally 'habdabs'. [1940s] |
absobloodylutely | Adv. Absolutely. |
Abysinnia! | Exclam. A jocular and intentional mispronunciation of "I'll be seeing you!" |
accidentally-on-purpose | Phrs. Seemingly accidental but with veiled malice or harm. |
AC/DC | Adj. Bisexual. |
ace (!) | Adj. Excellent, wonderful. Exclam. Excellent! |
acid | Noun. The drug LSD. Lysergic acid diethylamide. [Orig. U.S. 1960s] |
acid house | Noun. The dance music scene that pre-empted 'rave' in Britain, and began the long association of 'house' music and 'ecstasy'. |
ackers | Noun. Money. From the Egyptian akka. |
action man | Noun. A man who participates in macho activities. |
Adam and Eve | Verb. Believe. Cockney rhyming slang. E.g."I don't Adam and Eve it, it's not true!" |
aerated | Adj. Over-excited. Becoming obsolete, although still heard used by older generations. Often mispronounced as aeriated. |
afto | Noun. Afternoon. [North-west use] |
afty | Noun. Afternoon. E.g."Are you going to watch the game this afty?" [North-west use] |
agony aunt | Noun. A woman who provides answers to readers letters in a publication's agony column. {Informal} |
aggro | Noun. Aggressive troublemaking, violence, aggression. Abb. of aggravation. |
air biscuit | Noun. An expulsion of air from the anus, a fart. See 'float an air biscuit'. |
airhead | Noun. A stupid person. [Orig. U.S.] |
airlocked | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. [N. Ireland use] |
airy-fairy | Adj. Lacking in strength, insubstantial. {Informal} |
air guitar | Noun. An imaginary guitar played by rock music fans whilst listening to their favourite tunes. |
aks | Verb. To ask. E.g."I aksed him to move his car from the driveway." [dialect] |
Alan Whickers | Noun. Knickers, underwear. Rhyming slang, often shortened to Alans. |
alcopop | Noun. Sweet, ready-mixed fruit drinks containing alcohol. Cf. 'tart fuel'. {Informal} |
aled (up) | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated by alcohol, usually beer (ale). |
alkie | Noun. An alcoholic. Also spelt alky. |
all fur coat and no knickers | Phrs. Of a woman, all superficial appearance and no real substance beneath. Derog. |
all mod cons | Noun. All the fixtures and fittings necessary and expected - an abb. of all modern conveniences. {Informal} |
all mouth and (no) trousers | Phrs. Boastful and without just reason. E.g."You shouldn't pay any attention to him, he's all mouth and no trousers." |
all-nighter | Noun. A club night or event that goes on all night. |
all over the shop | Phrs. 1. In a mess, out of order, disorganized. 2. Everywhere. E.g."I've been all over the shop this morning and I can't find her anywhere." |
allow (it) | Verb. Forget it, don't bother. [London use] |
all time loser | Noun. A public house, a bar. Rhyming slang on 'boozer'. See 'boozer'. |
all to cock | Phrs. Messed up, useless, wrong. |
all to pot | Phrs. Wrong, messed up. E.g."Our whole holiday went all to pot when Dad got arrested for being drunk." |
almond rocks | Noun. Socks. Cockney rhyming slang, often shortened to almonds. |
alright! | Exclam. Hello. A greeting. No answer is expected to what is inherently a question. Northern dialect has created the phonetic corruption awreet. |
amber nectar | Noun. Lager. [Orig. Aust.] |
anchors | Noun. Brakes. E.g."I slammed the anchors on and hit my head on the steering wheel." |
ane | Noun. Abb. of anus. |
ankle-biters | Noun. Children, particularly crawling babies. [Orig. Aust.] |
anorak | Noun. An often socially inept person, having an obsessive interest in a hobby or subject. Usually has little or no fashion sense, and errs towards eccentricity. Originates from the 'trainspotter' look, of wearing anoraks; spending so much time at the end of station platforms in all weathersnecessitates the wearing of such attire. Cf. 'trainspotter'. Derog. |
answers on a postcard | Phrs. If anyone has any ideas, or a response, to the question/problem that has just been posed, please let me know? From when, during the 1970s and 80s, blank postcards were used by viewers to mail answers to competition questions posed on TV programmes, in the hope of winning a prize. The advent of SMS and phonelines ensured the end of the postcards as a means of entering competitions. |
antwacky | Adj. Old fashioned. Possibly from antique(y). E.g."Oh no way! I'm not wearing those shoes, they're so antwacky." [Merseyside/West Lancashire use] |
any cop | Phrs. Of value, of any worth. E.g."Have you heard their new CD? I heard it was rubbish but do you think it's any cop?" See 'cop' (adj). Cf. 'no cop'. |
any road | Adv. Anyway. Also spelt anyroad. [Northern use] |
apeshit | See 'go apeshit'. |
apeth | Noun. A pet name for a silly person. A shortening of daft apeth. Apeth, derived from haypneeworth (half a penny's worth) but pronounced ha'p'orth. |
apple (core) | Noun. 20. Cockney rhyming slang on 'score'. [1950s] |
apples and pears | Noun. Stairs. Possibly the most commonly expressed piece of Cockney rhyming slang that is used as an example of such, or used in jocular mimicry. The term is infrequently heard used in genuine daily use. |
April | Noun. Bottom, buttocks, 'arse'. Rhyming slang from April in Paris rhyming with arris - see 'arris'. |
Archer | Noun. £2000. From the amount of money given by Jeffrey Archer to a prostitute (Monica Coughlan) to enable her to leave the country, and in order to buy her silence over services rendered. Jeffrey Archer, ex-member of Parliament and best selling author, served a prison sentence for perjury and perverting the course of justice. |
argue the toss | Vrb phrs. To argue or dispute loudly and at length. |
argy-bargy | Noun. Trouble, noisy quarrelling, arguing. {Informal}. |
arris | Noun. Buttocks, 'arse'. Convoluted Cockney rhyming slang for 'arse'; Arris, an abbreviation of Aristotle, rhyming with bottle, and thereafter leading to bottle and glass rhyming with 'arse'. Also aris. |
arrows | Noun. Darts, the equipment and the game itself. |
arse | Noun. 1. The buttocks. The similar 'ass' isn't used as frequently, remaining more of an Americanism. S.e. from 1600s until mid 1800s. 2. An objectionable person. 3. A mistake, a poor job. E.g."He's made such an arse of that plastering job that I think we'll need to redo it." Exclam. Expressing anger or frustration. |
arse about /around | Verb. To mess around, to waste time. |
arse about face | Phrs. Back to front. |
arse about tit | Phrs. Back to front. |
arse-bandit | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
arsed | Adj. Concerned, bothered. Usually heard in the negative sense of can't be arsed. E.g."I can't be arsed with work today, it's too damned hot." |
arseface | Noun. 1. An ugly person. 2. A contemptible person. |
arsehat | Noun. A contemptible person. Anglicized version of the original U.S. version, 'asshat'. Cf. 'asshat'. |
arse-hole | Noun. 1. An idiot, contemptible person. 2. The anus. * Also spelt arsehole. |
arseholed | Adj. Very drunk. |
arse-lick | Verb. To grovel, ingratiate oneself. |
arse-licker | Noun. A sycophant. |
arse-licking | Adj. Sycophantic behaviour. Noun. An act of sycophantic behaviour. E.g."If he keeps giving the boss an arse licking at the rate he's currently doing, then he'll be first in line for a promotion." |
arse load | Noun. In large quantities, a lot of, a great amount. E.g." She's given me arse loads of paperwork to complete before lunch." |
arsemonger | Noun. A contemptible person. Also arse monger. |
arse-on | Noun. 1. A bad mood. E.g."Keep out of Andy's way, he's got a the arse-on." 2. A difficult task. E.g."It was a right arse on to repair it." |
arse over kettle | Phrs. Fall over. Also arse over tea kettle. |
arse over tip | Phrs. Fall over, head over heels. E.g."She went arse over tip on the ice outside." |
arse over tit | Phrs. Meaning the same as 'arse over tip'. |
arse-up | Noun. A shambles, a 'cock-up'. Verb. To make a 'cock-up'. E.g."You wouldn't have arsed it up if you'd revised for your exam like everyone else." |
arsewipe | Noun. 1. Toilet paper. 2. A contemptible person. |
arsey | Adj. Moody. |
article | Noun. An objectionable person. E.g."Come on, go and tidy your bedroom you lazy article." |
arty-farty | Adj. Pretentiously artistic. {Informal} |
arvo | Noun. Afternoon. See 'this arvo'. [Orig. Aust.] |
as fuck | Phrs. An intensifier. E.g."It was rusty as fuck, so wasn't worth repairing." |
as rare as hen's teeth | Phrs. Very rare, non existent. From hens not having teeth. |
as rare as rocking horse shit | Phrs. Very rare, non existent. |
as right as rain | Phrs. Satisfactory, comfortable, well. |
ass | Noun. See 'arse'. |
ass bandit | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. Cf. 'arse bandit'. |
ass clown | Noun. An idiot. [Orig. U.S.] |
asshat | Noun. A contemptible person. Cf. 'arsehat'. [Orig. U.S.] |
asshole | Noun. See 'arsehole'. |
ass lick / ass licker / ass licking | Verb. See 'arse lick' and associated expressions. |
asswipe | Noun. Meaning the same as 'arsewipe'. [Orig. U.S.] |
as the actress said to the bishop | Phrs. A jocular catch phrase that draws attention to an otherwise innocent statement by imbuing sexual innuendo. Other variations include "as the mistress said to the gardener". |
Auntie | Noun. Affectionate and dated pet name for the BBC (The British Broadcasting Corporation). |
Aussie kiss | Noun. Cunnilingus, from the fact that it's the same a French Kiss, but given down under. |
away and shite (!) | Vrb phrs. Go away! [North-east use] |
'ave it | Verb. Go for it. See 'have it' |
aviation blonde | Noun. A female with hair dyed blonde. From blonde hair, black box - black box being an aeroplane flight recorder and 'box' also being slang for vagina. |
avvy | Noun. Afternoon. See 'this avvy'. |
away with the mixer | Phrs. Not quite in touch with reality, in a dreamy state. [Merseyside use] |
awesome! | Adj. Great! Excellent! [Orig. U.S.] |
awlarse | Noun. A contemptible person. Also auldarse, allarse. Possibly from old arse. [Merseyside use] |
awright (!) | Adj./Adv./Exclam. An alternative spelling and pronunciation of alright (all right). |
axe | Noun. A guitar. |
axe wound | Noun. Vagina. Cf. 'hairy axe wound'. |
Ayrton | Noun. Ten pounds (monetary). Rhyming slang for tenner, on Ayrton Senna, the motor racing driver. |
ay-up! | Exclam. A greeting, hello. [Midlands/North use. Dialect] |
Sabtu, Februari 05, 2011
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